
functional, holistic remedies for modern folks

From Dr. Mercola

{modal url=http://busybodyhealth.com/images/antioxidants_ORAC_chart.jpg}antioxidants ORAC chart{/modal}(click image for larger view)

One more comparison with other antioxidants' oxygen quenching activity

{modal url=http://busybodyhealth.com/images/astaxanthin_oxy_quench_activity.jpg}astaxanthin oxy quench activity{/modal}(click image for larger view)

It is a carotenoid. It's 65x more powerful than Vitamin C, 54x more powerful than beta-carotene and 14x more powerful than Vitamin E. It is one of the most effective antioxidants and anti-inflammatory nutrient available to improve the health of your eyes, skin, heart, muscles, and many inflammatory diseases such as allergies, diabetes, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Multiple sclerosis, arthritis, IBS, and many others.

Read more about it here,
More on Alzheimer's here.
More on anti-inflammation here,
More on strongest anti-oxidant here, and
More on skin/wrinkle here.