
functional, holistic remedies for modern folks

1. Wash, slice thin, dry in sun, or 70'C.

2. Pulverize using grinder or blender

3. Pack and seal tightly.

Ginger Tea I


1. Grate ginger & dry 2-3 days.

2. Steep 10 or more with boiling water.

Ginger Tea II

1. Juice ginger.

2. Add 1 C sugar to 1 C ginger extract.

3. Heat on high to boil then turn to low when solution thickens.

4. Put a sample on spoon and cool immediately. If sample become hard and can be pulverized, it's done.

5. Test every 5-10 min.

6. Pack in clean jar & seal tightly.


Use giner powder but need to brew like coffee.